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Investor Choice

Ensure you have a choice in your investments

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Investors should have choice and flexibility when it comes to the kind of funds in which they choose to invest. There are thousands of fund choices from stocks to bonds, international to domestic, and sectors like energy, health care, tech, and more. Secure Financial Future is fighting to ensure there is always an investment fund for everyone.

There are many different kinds of investment funds designed to reach a variety of financial goals. Investors can choose funds based on their financial goals and the fund’s written investment strategy, with the reassurance that these financial professionals have a legal responsibility to always act in the fund’s best interest. As a result, the fund’s success can help investors reach their personal financial goals.

With more than 10,000 funds in the United States, investors have many options in how they save for their future. Secure Financial Future wants to preserve choice in the market, free of artificial mandates. 

Policymakers are considering legislation at every level of government that could limit your choice of investments. Join us by telling elected officials to protect your financial freedom.